Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We moved...again

 If you're wondering why it has been so long since a blog update, it's partly because we have moved and it has taken a while to get back into the swing of things (and get wireless internet so I could access my pics to update). We now live in Wilmette with my sister, Linnea and her family. We only lived in Evanston for one year but it was by far my most favorite place I have lived and it was sad to say goodbye. 

The picture above is from the last time Lucia was there. We were heading to Linnea's to watch Naomi like we usually do on Friday mornings. There was nothing different about the day to Lucia and it wasn't like she knew what was to come but when we left our apartment that morning, she stopped after the one little step in the courtyard, turned towards the building and waved, saying "Bah" (which means 'bye'). Either it was a crazy coincidence or we have a genius on our hands, regardless, this basically made me tear up.

 I didn't realize how much white furniture we had until I saw it all like this in the alley. So we packed up our stuff and recreated our bedroom, Lucia's room and living room in Linnea and Cam's basement. It's a cozy space and works for now, especially when we have all the advantages of living in a house rather than apartment. We're not planning on being here for too long, but we're still working on that part of the plan.

 When I left, I stood in this spot one more time. It was the spot where I aggressively inquired about the details for securing this place with the building manager after first looking at it. This was rather awkward since I had been shown this apartment along with another women interested in it...and her young daughter. When I saw that they were coming too, I said to myself that if I liked the place, I would make sure I got it which I did by sitting in the manager's car filling out paperwork and writing a deposit check immediately after seeing it. I got it and it was worth it even if we did move one year later.

That place will always be special for many reasons: Lucia slept in her own room for the first time there, she learned to walk there, she loved to look out at the windows 'woofing' at dogs and pointing out birds, I loved walking to the many nearby parks, the lake and fun restaurants and Matt and I have a lot of great memories created there. To me, it was the perfect blend of city and suburban life. PLUS there will be a Trader Joe's up and running this fall that was only a 10 minute walk away...dream scenario!

But there are many positives about living here as well and we are definitely enjoying those things already. It makes my life much simpler to be living where Lucia is watched while I'm at work (a lot less driving), we get to enjoy this wonderful house and backyard, Lucia gets to spend tons of time with her cousins who seem to bring out her goofy side, Linnea and I get to meal plan and grocery shop together, lessening the overall time spent on those things for each of us, resident rate for Wilmette pool and beach passes! plus spending more time with Linnea, Cam and the girls is fun.. And there are benefits to communal living when you can all get along and make it work. Not to mention, it's easier to leave and have date nights when you live with others and can take off after the kids are in bed. I could go on and on. I'm already seeing that it will be hard to leave once we do.

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