Friday, June 12, 2009

We have spent this week at the Center making kites with the kids out of tissue paper and thread (and other stuff but I'm not going to list all the materials). Apparently everyone here knows how to make these because all of our Bolivian teammates said to us "You've never made these before?!?". So now we know. We spent the first few days making them and then flew them yesterday. Here are some pics...

Making them

Then we walked up the hill a few blocks from the Center to fly them.
Here is Brenda from my class flying hers.

Matt and Josie, one of his many adorers at the Center. ALL of the little girls love him. The other day one of the boys came up to me and said in Spanish, "Elsa, my sister loves your husband". This seems to happen wherever we go.

Me and Karen, another one of the girls in my class.

Abril, also in my class.

Lupe, also in my class. I was trying to take close-up pictures of a bunch of
the kids because the lighting from the sun was so beautiful.

Brandon busy at work

A bunch of the kites

Some of the girls hanging out on top of the soccer goal

Then they had my camera and took some pictures like this without me even
realizing it. I have no idea what I was doing that I was in this position.

P.S. I did get my tooth taken out with no problems except that it was a little tougher than my dentist thought it would be. But whenever you can something like that done for less than $10, it's fine with me even though it definitely hurt.
Don't worry Mom and Dad, it was legit.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well, it was my (Elsa's) birthday this past Friday and it was a wonderful day. My friend Kate surprised me in the morning with a trip to a spa which was tons of fun. Later on, Matt and I went to dinner at one of favorite places and then we stayed at a hotel for the night.

A low part of the day was when I went to the dentist and found out I have to have a tooth pulled. I'm going to be doing that tomorrow, hopefully. I went yesterday to have it done and I wasn't able to. While I was waiting at the dentist I could hear the sound of the drill and also someone close-by must've been watching "Psycho" because I could hear the ree-ree-ree. Those might be the two worst sounds...especially when put together. But besides that it was a great day.

Here we are at dinner.

The buzzing lights at the hotel. They were literally buzzing.

This is the view from the terrace at the top of the hotel.
It was cool to get a different view of our city.

From the terrace in daylight. On the hill in the background is the Cristo.

Cristo closer-up

Can you see all that smog? It's smoggy here. We are in a valley so it all gathers together.

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