Wednesday, July 8, 2009

La Exposicion

We had a special day last Saturday at the Center called "La Exposicion" where the kids were showing all their work. We invited all their parents to come see what we do at the Center. One part was to show all the crafts and projects and the other was a play or song. Each class had their own prepared and my girls worked on theirs for weeks. The girls in my class decided to do a play of the birth of Jesus so it was Christmas in July. They had all practiced really hard to it was fun to see the end result. Since none of them wanted to dress like a boy I played the part of Joseph.

Here I am...dressed as Joseph

This was when I was up front explaining to all the parents what we do in my class.

The start of our play with our two narrators, Lupe and Abril.

"No tengas miedo, Maria"

This was the olders boys play of a modern prodigal son.

Matt's play with his class of the parable of the lost sheep.

This is Nicol from the youngest group.

Here is the whole group singing their song. They were very cute.
Thanks for taking pictures, Christine!

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