Thursday, December 15, 2011

28 Weeks

So here I am at 28 weeks. I can't believe that I am already in my third trimester! Time really is flying by which is just fine with me (at least for right now). Things are progressing just fine; the baby is growing well, moving a lot and I am feeling pretty good.

And in the spirit of taking weirdly clothed baby bump is a gem of an outfit that I dug out of my mom's closet...

Reminds me of my childhood when she used to wear this lovely warm-up suit. I have to say, it was very comfortable. I mean, VERY comfortable, like almost the most comfortable thing I have ever put on.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Not sure how to even begin to respond to this picture but I suppose I could part with that outfit if you want - it sounds like you're becoming attached to it!! It may be kind of ugly, but you're right, it is very comfortable. And, hard to believe, it was pretty stylish back in the day.

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