Thursday, March 6, 2008

We made it!

So we´re here in Bolivia. Yea! It was a good trip here but a very long day. We flew from Chicago to Miami then onto La Paz. We had about a 10 hour lay-over in La Paz which has a very high altitude of about 12,000 feet. It was definitely hard to breathe up there. I would move my arm up or stand up and get very light headed and have to take a few extra breaths. It was pretty strange. Then it was onto Cochabamba which is the city where we are living. We were surprised by the beauty and lushesness of the city. It is more beautiful than we expected. I guess the green in the city will be short lived as rainy season is ending soon and with that everything turns to brown. We´ll just enjoy it for now then.

The empty seat next to us on the flight
from Miami to La Paz. Very nice.

Matt at the La Paz Airport.

Cactus and palm trees at La Paz Airport

Getting some good reading done on the way to Cochabamba


Dave B. said...

YES! I've been waiting for the blog. Light-headed huh? Remember when I fainted in Ecuador? Probably not. I was trying to change the channel on the tv's in the classroom and the floor came up and hit me. I hope all is well!

TG said...

Glad you guys made it safely.

It has snowed 14 inches in Ohio in the last 36 hours. I imagine it's an unforgiving 15 degrees in Chicago, so you're not missing anything up here.

Get tan, acclimate, integrate and celebrate.

I wish you both the very best and hope you visit you some time.

Unknown said...

Missing you both.

Your pictures are posted on the bulletin board at have officially joined the ranks of all those faithful souls that have gone before us to serve in the great wide somewhere. It couldn't feel more right to see you up there.
I think about you guys all the time. In church this morning I thought about what your church experience must be they sing Todopoderoso? Te Alabare? Love em.

Love you, praying for you.

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